Saturday, September 12, 2020

Lisa Benson and the California Drought

Lisa Benson’ s cartoon about California’s drought and water shortage is typical of a good political cartoon. A complex and controversial theme is conveyed in a simple drawing. There also is plenty of sarcasm. 

The lifeguard is a donkey, the symbol of the Democratic Party. A Democratic Governor, State Legislature, and Assembly controlled California, during the years of the latest drought. Lisa Benson, a popular syndicated political cartoonist, is a Republican from California.


The Democratic wildlife lifeguard sits in his chair and doesn’t appear concerned about the human prostrate with dehydration. The fish in their own little bowl are in danger from the water evaporating and overheating while the Democratic lifeguard is content to let them “have fun in the warm California sun.”


Benson cleverly plays on the words “Calif. Wildlife Guard.“ Is the guard himself wildlife? Or does the guard protect wildlife? Perhaps, the guard is something out of “Baywatch” and is a California wild lifeguard.


Most of California’s agriculture is in the Central Valley where the ranchers and farmers are Republicans. Their signs along the 5 Freeway read, “Is growing food for you a waste of water?” or “Your food needs water. Build more dams.”  It’s the word “you” that gives the billboards a confrontational undertone. Sometimes I take the 101 so I don’t have to read their signs. 


Droughts cause a shortage of water. Democrats prefer to conserve the commodity and ration. Republicans, ignoring the ecological impact, want to build more dams and increase the supply.