Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Film Class Posters for the Fall Semester

I've designed some posters for Rob Hahn's film studies class on the the 1960's. The original posters were designed in portrait format and are in several places on campus. 

The library wants to put a digital version of the posters on the monitor screen  by the main desk. The posters were reconfigured for a 16:9 format. Since each image will only be on the monitor 25 seconds, the descriptive paragraph was removed. The theme was chapters of a textbook. The brief description of the chapter helps get out the message that there is more to film studies than watching movies. 

There is no prerequisite for the film study classes at Saint Louis Community College and they are taken as GenEd classes by most of those enrolled in the class. Only a few are in film production, script writing, or have taken the basic film appreciation class and know about formal analysis. Some students, especially the older non traditional students think the instructor is going to be like Robert Osborne and give an introduction, and then after the movie all they have to say is how they liked the film and the acting performance and he will give them an A. 

To see the entire series of posters and digital images in a larger format click here to scroll through the Design set on my Flickr site.

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